Travel Miles Form

Travel Miles Form

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Travel Miles Trip Form
Please use this form to submit travel miles for your Bethel.  

On most web browsers, if you click your "back" button, you can change the name and type of person the form is for and hit submit, until you have entered all who attended the event.  You can then use the submit another response to enter details for another event.
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* Indicates required question
What is your Bethel number? *
Your answer
What is your Bethel City? *
Your answer
Bethel Visited or State Event Attended: *
Your answer
City Visited *
Your answer
Date of Visit *
Your answer
Tell us who you are: *
First Name: *
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Round Trip Miles: *
Your answer
Travel Verification
Please add the name of a person that can verify your travel.

* Bethel Visits can be signed by Honored Queen, Bethel Guardian, Associate Bethel Guardian, or Guardian Secretary.

* State/International Events can be signed by Grand Bethel Honored Queen, a current elected or appointed Grand Council Officer or the Event Chairman.
Travel Verification Person: *
Your answer
Name of person entering Travel Miles *
Your answer
Contact phone: *
Your answer
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