Jobie of the Month

Jobie of the Month

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Jobie of the Month
Do you know a Job's Daughter that has gone above and beyond the call of Jobie duty?  Has she made a difference in your life?  In your Bethel's life, or in the life of another Bethel?  Nominate her to be the Jobie of the Month!

The Daughters chosen will be recognized at Grand Session
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* Indicates required question
Name of Daughter you are Nominating *
Your answer
What is her Bethel Number? *
Your answer
What's your Name? *
Your answer
What's your Bethel Number? *
Your answer
Are you a Daughter or Adult? *
What has this Daughter done to be Jobie of the Month? *
Is she a great role model and mentor to girls in the Bethel?  Does she always have smile on her face?  Is she a hard worker?  Does she go out and help other area Bethels?
Your answer
If we have questions how do we get in touch with you?  Please give us your email or phone number:
Your answer
Do you have a  photo?
If you have a photo of the Daughter you are nominating and you would like us to put it on the website or social media pages, please email it to
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