Grand Deputy – Long Report

Grand Deputy – Long Report

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Grand Deputy Report - Long Form
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* Indicates required question
Name of Deputy submitting update: *
Your answer
Bethel No. *
Your answer
Date of meeting visited: *
Your answer
Bethel Room set up properly, per Ritual? Comments about set up?
Your answer
Who is setting up the Bethel?  (Offices or names)
Your answer
Was the attendance register/sign in book there?
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Were the flags properly displayed?
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Bible Etiquette properly shown?
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How many girls on the floor for this meeting?
Only count members from the Bethel, not visiting protems.
Your answer
How many members were present at the previous meeting?
Check sign in book for this information.
Your answer
Do the officers know their parts from memory, or are they reading it?
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Comments on memory work?
Your answer
Are escorts done properly
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Is the Honored Queen using an escort sheet and Order of Business form
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Was the Honored Queen well informed of Bethel Business?  Comments?
Your answer
Does the Business appear to have been approved by the Executive Council of the Bethel before the meeting?
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Are minutes being taken, and by whom?
Your answer
Treasurer's Report, is it up to date? Does it include savings?
Your answer
Are communications read, as appropriate
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Is the Bulletin (appropriate parts) read or distributed?
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Number of Petitions read:
Your answer
How many members were initiated last term?
Your answer
Committee Reports given:
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Event Reports givien:
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Are they having fun projects? What type of events?
Your answer
Are they having fundraisers? What type?
Your answer
Are the bills audited before the meeting?
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Librarian's Report given?
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Remarks given in proper order? Comments?
Your answer
What is the atmosphere of the Bethel?
Your answer
Any activities before or after the meeting? Refreshments?
Your answer
Council positions functioning effectively?
Your answer
Are the cash books and minute books there? Are the Daughters helped, and allowed to do their work
Your answer
Guardian Secretary and Guardian Treasurer doing their work?
Your answer
How does the Guardian and Associate Guardian seem to relate to the girls?
Your answer
Are Associate Council members present and effective?
Your answer
Was the Director of Epochs or another council member/adult monitoring the ritual and providing prompts to the Daughters?
Your answer
Did the meeting start on time?
Your answer
What time did the meeting end?
Your answer
Did the girls do something fun during the meeting, or before/after the meeting?
Your answer
Any visitors?  Other Jobies, Masonic Organizations?
Your answer
Other adults or parents on the sidelines?
Your answer
Are there any special needs or concerns of the Bethel that you or the Council or Daughters feel should be addressed? Please explain:
Your answer
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